Caffeine Craziness

What is caffeine and is it addictive?

Caffeine is a stimulating substance that is used to increase wakefulness and alertness. According to the journal Brain Research, it reduces drowsiness. Caffeine is most commonly found in coffee beans and is used in other drinks such as soda, energy drinks and other foods and beverages. 80 percent of the world uses caffeine in some form. It is one of the most studied food ingredients.

“As far as I can tell, you can be addicted to any kind of chemical,” said Grand View student Jeremiah Herr. “I’ve heard that athletes get addicted to endorphins generated from extreme exercise. If that can get you addicted, I’m sure you can be addicted to caffeine.”

Photos by: Brandon Albaugh

Caffeine causes the release of dopamine in the brain. According to Live Science, caffeine is considered the world’s most popular and used mind-altering drug. The effects of caffeine can last 8-14 hours depending on the person, and usually kick in after about 15 or 20 minutes.

Some people probably don’t think of it is a drug. “It depends on your definition of a drug. If you consider any substance that causes physiological changes, then sure,” said Herr.

One of the negative health effects is an increase in blood pressure.

Sometimes students need a lot of energy to exercise or study. Many college students are guilty of purging themselves of coffee and energy drinks to stay awake finishing papers or studying for tests. And because they are up so late the night before, they probably have coffee or another form of caffeine again in the morning to wake up.

“I get a Mountain Dew every morning,” said Grand View sophomore Hunter Albers. “Usually right in the morning just to wake me up, if I didn’t get enough sleep last night.”

College students however are not the only age group benefitting from caffeine, it also consumes the working class.

“I drink coffee probably every morning,” said Lupita Aquino, a multicultural admissions counselor at Grand View. “Before I go to work, I’ll just grab a coffee and go.”

According to the American Psychiatric Association, caffeine could cause the users to develop a drug dependence. There are also disadvantages from quitting drinking caffeine. These can include withdrawal, headaches, and even mood swings.

But what sets caffeine apart from other drugs? Caffeine is considered safe by the Food and Drug Administration. It would take 50-100 cups of coffee to reach a lethal dose. According to Fact Retriever, about 10 and 20 grams of caffeine (approximately 4.69 gallons of coffee) would be lethal. Coffee has about three times more caffeine in it than soda or tea. It is listed as a Generally Recognized as Safe substance by the FDA, that is okay in moderation. Some of the requirements for this to be a GRAS include scientific data and information about safety of substance being available. It is required to be listed on ingredients of the food and drinks it is in.

Caffeine however does have some benefits. It helps make it easier to exercise and may help memory.

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