Legend of Zelda Symphony comes to Des Moines

Celebrating 30 years of adventure and memorable soundtracks, Zelda Symphony of the Goddesses is scheduled to take place on Sunday October 8 at the Des Moines Civic Center.

The Des Moines show will serve as a stop on the symphony’s fourth international tour.

Symphony of the Goddesses features a 57-piece orchestra and 20-person choir performing alongside captivating footage captured from Zelda games new and old.

Produced by JMP Entertainment Inc. and Nintendo, the event allows fans to relive inspiring moments from the Zelda series in an exciting new multimedia experience.

“We are excited for Des Moines and the opportunity to serve our fellow Zelda fans,” Paul said.

Although the ocarinas made popular by the Zelda series will not be featured, the orchestra has supplemented its sounds with flutes and piccolos along with two harps placed front-and-center.

“I honestly believe this will be the best rendition of any video game orchestra you will ever see,” said Jason Michael Paul, executive producer of JMP Entertainment.

The show will start at 7 p.m. and is anticipated to run for roughly two hours. Tickets start at $43.50 and can be purchased from the Des Moines Performing Arts Center website or in person at the Civic Center box office.

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